Programme Grande Ecole - Specialisation track « Financial Engineering and Innovation in Finance (2IF) »
The specialisation track "Financial Engineering and Innovation in Finance (2IF)" offers an intensive, a complete and practical oriented program in Financial Engineering applied to the areas of Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management and Risk Management.
The main objective of this program is to enable participants to gain a threefold competence in financial, legal and tax required by the field of financial engineering on the one hand, and required by the areas of portfolio and risk management on the other hand.
In addition, it contains two specific modules that prepare to the Level 1 of the widely recognised Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam.
Financial innovations such as Bitcoin- Blockchain, Big Data & Machine Learning will be introduced to the participants so they will be able to use them as complementary means of financing, investing and managing risks.
Ultimately, this course aims to train :
- High-level financial executives who will work in commercial and investment banks
- High-level financial executive who will work in private equity firms, in financial department of big companies or in audit/consulting firms (Transaction Services department).